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Despite their Decreasing Numbers, USBs are Still Leveraged to Conduct Attacks

Despite their Decreasing Numbers, USBs are Still Leveraged to Conduct Attacks

Created: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 - 16:15

The use of USBs as an essential business tool is declining, but millions of these devices are still produced and distributed annually, with many given away in marketing promotion campaigns and at trade shows and destined for use in homes and businesses. USBs have been exploited by cyber threat actors, most famously by the Stuxnet worm in 2010, and remain a target for cyber threats. Kaspersky Lab data for 2017 shows that every 12 months or so, around one in four users worldwide is affected by a ‘local’ cyber incident. These are attacks detected directly on a user’s computer and include infections caused by removable media like USB devices. A report from Kaspersky Lab reviews the current cyber threat landscape for removable media, particularly USBs, and provides advice and recommendations on protecting these devices and the data they carry. Kaspersky Lab.