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Cyber Resilience – Leverage Your Best Asset to Support Your Cybersecurity Program

Cyber Resilience – Leverage Your Best Asset to Support Your Cybersecurity Program

Created: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 - 13:09
Cybersecurity, General Security and Resilience

Utilities struggling to build a cyber-defense team do not have to look beyond their own walls to find qualified staff to help defend the organization. Tripwire offers food for thought on the benefits of cybersecurity education and awareness in cultivating security champions for your organization that will help, rather than hinder your cybersecurity efforts. Phrases like “cybersecurity is a shared responsibility,” and “create a culture of cybersecurity from the breakroom or the boardroom” have been key topics promoted by the cybersecurity community in recent years. By using your best asset (people), you are essentially adding more eyes watching the gate regardless of the size of your current cybersecurity team. Tripwire suggests starting by finding out which staff have a security mindset and cultivate that. Tripwire