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Water Sector Physical Threat Briefing - CISA's Protective Security Advisors and No-Cost/Low-Cost Security Improvements

Wednesday, April 2, 2025; 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

On April 2 at 2 pm ET, WaterISAC will convene the next event in its quarterly Water Sector Physical Threat Briefings series. Presenters from CISA and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District will discuss the benefits of CISA’s Protective Security Advisor program and implementing no-cost/low-cost security improvements. In recent years, the physical security threat landscape facing the water and wastewater sector has become increasingly complex, dynamic, and volatile. Water and wastewater systems face an increasing risk of physical security incidents, due in part to an expanding range of threat actors who view attacks on utilities as a viable strategy for achieving their malign goals.

To help owners and operators enhance the physical security of their utility, WaterISAC is excited to welcome Jonathan Richeson, a Protective Security Advisor (PSA) at CISA, who will detail the free services and resources PSAs can provide to water and wastewater utilities. Following that, John Corn, the Emergency Management and Business Continuity Program Manager at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, will discuss how his utility has effectively worked with PSAs in the past to strengthen their physical security program. Lastly, both speakers will discuss several no-cost/low-cost security improvements that your utility can implement quickly and affordably.

Amid the heightened threat environment, implementing no-cost/low-cost security measures can greatly reduce the risk of security incidents and enhance your operational resilience. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about CISA’s PSA program and how your peers are working to enhance their physical security.

WaterISAC members only.

Register any time. No need to cancel if you can’t attend.