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Strengthen Operational Resilience on National PrepareAthon Day

Strengthen Operational Resilience on National PrepareAthon Day

Created: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 15:16
Federal & State Resources, Natural Disasters, Security Preparedness

Today is National PrepareAthon Day, a FEMA campaign observed annually on April 30th. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of having preparedness measures in place in case of emergencies like natural or human-made disasters. As part of this campaign, WaterISAC is sharing resources from EPA, FEMA, CISA and other organizations to help utilities enhance their operational resilience across the all-hazards threat landscape.

Understand the Threat Landscape

FEMA - Know Your Hazards

FEMA - Protective Actions Research

DHS - Homeland Threat Assessment

NOAA - National Weather Service

Assess Risks

EPA - Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool: Assess risk to human-made threats and natural hazards (recommended for large systems).

EPA - Small System Risk and Resilience Assessment Checklist: Assess risk to human-made threats and natural hazards (recommended for small systems).  

EPA - Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool: Assess risk to climate change impacts and build resilience through adaptation. 

EPA - Resilient Strategies Guide: Identify assets that are vulnerable to climate impacts and learn about strategies and funding options for adaptation. 

CISA - Infrastructure Survey Tool (IST)

CISA - Personal Security Considerations Action Guide: Critical Infrastructure Workers

Plan for Emergencies

EPA - Emergency Response Plan Template and Instructions: This resource can be used to develop a step-by-step plan to respond when an emergency strikes.

CISA - Security Planning Workbook

EPA - Incident Action Checklists for Water Utilities

Mitigation Guidance

CISA - Preventing Workplace Violence: Security Awareness Considerations Infographic

CISA - Insider Threat Mitigation

CISA - Active Shooter Preparedness

CISA - Bombing Prevention

CISA - Vehicle Ramming Mitigation

CISA - Be Air Aware™

Find out more about preparedness guidance and resources at FEMA and read more about resilience for water and wastewater utilities at EPA.